Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy:
1) There is a £100+vat cancellation fee per show if cancelling less than 1 full month prior to the show (eg if your show is booked on the 5th of the month the last date you can cancel without incurring a fee is the 4th of the previous month (Schools £100+vat if cancelled less than 2 months prior to show).
2) If shows are cancelled less than a working day prior to the show there is a cancellation fee of 100% (Schools 100% cancellation fee if cancelled less than 3 working days).
As a gesture of good will, we are willing to perform at another venue of your choice within one hour's distance of your venue. Due to the nature of being a touring theatre company we are unable to offer a postponement service. If shows are cancelled with less notice than a working day the full fee is payable even if a new show is booked.
Helpful Suggestion:
Many of our regular care homes liaise with their sister homes when setting dates so if there is an illness within the home they switch dates with their sister homes (or other local homes).
More Information About the Cancellation Policy
The pandemic put Tickled Pink Productions under a huge amount of financial strain - we had no shows on the road for 14 months during 2020 and early 2021 (pre- pandemic we would have performed over 3500 shows during this period). 2021 Tickled Pink Productions were 75% back to pre-pandemic numbers and we were excited to be almost back to normal for the Christmas season (over half our yearly shows are performed between November - January) however the Omicron Variant was devastating as over half of all care homes in the country were forced to close which had a huge detrimental effect on our tour. Whilst Tickled Pink Productions empathise with all our customers, we still had huge financial costs to pay out even if shows were cancelled and this will take Tickled Pink Productions until 2027 to recover from this loss.
Tickled Pink Productions search the UK to bring our customers the best performers so they travel far and wide to perform the shows - we book and pay for all the accommodation for the performers during the tour as well as their hire car, costumes, rehearsal fees, rehearsal hall hire, petrol as well as all the administrative costs which occur prior to the tour including sending out the free posters and arranging everything. If we did not implement our cancellation policy at this time the business would not survive so although we appreciate how frustrating it must be to not be able to have a show due to an illness - due to the financial strains caused by the pandemic we have no choice but to implement out two terms and conditions. We appreciate your understanding and although this will take years for Tickled Pink Productions to fully recover from the this, we are determined to KEEP PRICES AS LOW AS POSSIBLE and to KEEP SAME HIGH QUALITY SHOWS everyone loves.
Tickled Pink Productions
Quality Entertainment since 2002